Friday, June 26, 2009

So Long, Farewell

Jordy and little red got worked on his way to the hospital this morning. J is OK, little red, not so much.
A lady ran a stop sign and this is what followed.

Good thing we put 1,500 bucks into this baby 3 weeks ago to "keep her running for a long time." Seriously though, we are just glad he wasn't hurt and that the kids weren't in the car. Wear your
seatbelts people and hug your family tight.


Auna Leigh said...

glad your all okay! poor old red. our silver pooh is running on love. she'll be 19 years old next year! bless her pee picking heart!

Tringali Family said...

Yikes! I am terrified of getting into a wreck. We are glad Jordan is ok.

Heidi said...

Oh my gosh! Crazy how things like that can happen. I'm glad he's O.K. Was the other driver O.K.?

Anonymous said...

so glad jordan is ok!!!

Christina said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I am glad Jordy is ok! Sad....little red is gone.... :(

Anonymous said...

irony is such a pain. I am glad everyone is ok! scary still those isn't it?

thanks for the comment love on prissygreen! have a great week!

lisa said...

ah! I am so sorry.....glad everyone is ok.

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

I'm glad Jordan is okay. I still see "Jordan's car" everywhere and think of you guys!