Friday, February 12, 2010

our first date in some time...

Late the other night J and I were sitting watching a movie when all of a sudden both of my eyes started feeling really strange. I ran to the bathroom to check it out and there I saw the white's of my eyes bulging past the colored part. WHAT THE!!!!!!! I thought either my brain was swelling and pushing my eyes out or that I was having a stroke (?) or going blind. I ran and got the "not-at-all eye doc" I married and he said b/c it came on so suddenly it was probably an allergic reaction. I took some benadryl and we decided to race to the ER (thank you Bonnie!!!- our friend and neighbor who was over in a flash to sit with our sleeping kids). Lucky for me, the "not-at-all eye doc" I married still happens to be a doctor who works in that very ER and we were in and out of there in under 3hrs (great for that time of night). They said it was chemosis-an allergic reaction to something. They irrigated my eyes, tested the ph, and stained them to check for abrasions. What was I allergic to? No clue. But, Jordan, I will go on a super freaky rather expensive date with YOU anytime.

The first pic is a not so great shot taken when it first started happening.

chemosis example


Christina said...

OH.MY.GOSH MEG!!!! That is freaky lookin'! How crazy! I have never seen nor heard of that craziness! I am glad you got to go on a "date" and get it all figured out! SCARY!!!! I'm glad you are ok!

S said...

Scary!! Thank goodness it was just an allergic reaction. Maybe you should try a different kind of date for Valentines! LOL!

Anonymous said...

only you meg! You always get weird stuff. Remember when you had to have your appendix taken out! that was a happening day on Gaines Road! So glad you are doing better!

c-natalie-l-k-l said...

That is so creepy!!!!! I'm glad you are alright! It's so great being married to a doc, right?! :)

Cambrienelson said...

Holy cow! That is crazy! It would have scared me to death! I'm glad you eyes are ok. Scary to think you don't know what caused it.

AshleyS said...

Hey, glad you left a comment and now I know your blog URL. The cake was from Martha Green's in downtown. Their lemon cake is the best, but Wes prefers chocolate. So weird about your eye! How scarey, glad it's okay! Oh, and what's your email address? my blog is usually private (i unlocked it for my grandma who can't figure out the password thing), so I will send you an invite. :-)