Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our First Family Venture (postmaggie)

Now that MJ is 2 months +...
we decided it was high time we got out of the house.
Our first great adventure as a foursome?
The Aquarium of the Pacific!

There's nothing quite like drinking chocolate milk under a giant whale, running thru a room full of birds and dipping your finger into a pool full of "Mr.Rays" and sharks. Of course Noah's favorite part were the giant pretend animals that shot water from their mouth. Check out Jordy sporting the super hero backpack (aka my diaper bag) and baby girl front pack. HOT.


Anonymous said...

so cute!!!
looks like ya'll had fun!!

lisa said...

your children are beautiful! so cute. jess just had her second-maya. she is beautiful...take care.

Kosek Landing said...

So glad that all is going well. We still have not visited an aquarium, that is going to have to be tops on our next weekend trip.