Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the calm before the storm

It wont be long now before #2 comes to shake things up a bit. Here we are fine tuning our parenting skills in preparation...

Teaching N the true meaning of Christmas--Yachts and presents. Newport Harbor Boat Parade and Christmas Day!!

Introducing Noah to the fine arts...Madagascar 2 (he sat thru the whole thing making his daddy very proud)

Practicing good nutrition at Disneyland and hygiene at the beach

Bring it on baby girl!!! We are ready.


Christina said...

Oh my love bug! I have been thinking about you and your little baby! How are you doing? When is the big day? I hope all things are well with you! Little Noah is getting so big! He's such a handsome cuss!

Tringali Family said...

You look so cute pregnant! How much longer do you have? How are you liking Cali?

Rachael Hutchings said...


Auna Leigh said...

Love it! We are going have a girl too. She's coming in 28 days... but who's counting! Tell Jordan Craig says hi!

Cambrienelson said...

Christmas, Disneyland, boats and parades? There is nothing for a 2 year old to wish for beyond that!

I'm so excited to see your baby girl!

hammondfam said...

two important questions... when are you due? and what will her name be? :)

You look fabulous!! Wish we lived closer!

- Jessi