Thursday, October 9, 2008

Alabama in Brief

Little man and I just spent the last 3 weeks in Bama...
eating doughnuts...
Romping around in "combine turned slides" with Papa...
Swimming in corn...
laughing it up w/ Uncle G...
"driving"the car w/ Nana (he spent hours and HOURS on this one)...
visiting The Huntsville Botanical Gardens w/ Lola...
and meeting cousin WyWy for the very first time!!!!!


Christina said...

FUN! I love all the pics! Noah's hair is gorgeous! And little baby Wy is adorable! Looks like you had a GREAT time!

Kosek Landing said...

It was so good seeing you guys. Noah is adorable, and baby Wy looks so much like Kristen's little boy Andrew.

The Wynn Family said...

I didn't know that you were from Alabama. It looks like you guys had a great time.

Holly said...

How Fun! I am so glad that we got to get together in Bama! Wish we lived closer.

Meaghan said...

Wonderful Pictures!!

I saw that you entered a giveaway to win a Starbucks Gift Card and thought you would like my Giveaway!

Im giving away 1 lb of Gourmet Coffee or Tea from my new online coffee shop: Get The Bean.

We will be doing giveaways weekly so be sure to stop by often.